Tenindra Abeywickrama


I’m a Research Scientist at the RIKEN Center for Computational Science! My research focuses on developing efficient, scalable, and theoretically sound algorithms, with a particular emphasis on big data management and analytics, graphs, combinatorial optimization, and learning. More broadly, I am passionate about finding ways to bridge the gap between research and its practical applications, so it can translate more easily into meaningful real-world impact.

Previously, I completed my PhD at Monash University under Prof. Aamir Cheema. I have also been a Data Scientist at Grab Inc., a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Data Science at the National University of Singapore, and an Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellow. I received my B.Eng and B.Sc from the University of New South Wales in Sydney.


Feb 01, 2025 I am joining the Review Board for PVLDB Vol. 19 (VLDB 2026)!
Feb 01, 2025 I have moved to Tokyo, Japan to join RIKEN as a Research Scientist!

selected publications

  1. SIGMOD Rec.
    Bipartite Matching: What to do in the Real World When Computing Assignment Costs Dominates Finding the Optimal Assignment
    Tenindra Abeywickrama, Victor Liang, and Kian-Lee Tan
    SIGMOD Record, Jun 2022
  2. VLDB2021
    Optimizing Bipartite Matching in Real-World Applications by Incremental Cost Computation
    Tenindra Abeywickrama, Victor Liang, and Kian-Lee Tan
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Mar 2021
  3. ICAPS2020
    Hierarchical Graph Traversal for Aggregate k Nearest Neighbors Search in Road Networks
    Tenindra Abeywickrama, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, and Sabine Storandt
    In Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2020, Mar 2020